Saturday, November 10, 2012

Attention Poetry Lovers: Hurricane Author /Poet Francee Bouvenir Present, BLACK FRIDAY Count Down Day 10 Poetry Books, Sale On Amazon

Having a dream
Recognizes the outcome
Accomplishing a dream
Defines success!

Francee Bouvenir poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul," "The Journey And The Memors" and penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias." are on sale at Amazon.

Count Down Day 10 BLACK FRIDAY Sale!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Presents Counting Down Day 9 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Poet/Author Francee Bouvenir presents "Child's Dark Soul," "The Journey And The Memoirs," and penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias" poetry books on sale at Amazon. Click the link for purchase and don't forget to like the books on Facebook and including my author page. I appreciate your support.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Count Down Day 8 BLACK FRIDAY Amazon Sale!

We still have a long road ahead of us
But we should never give up, we have
to keep moving to succeed an effort.

Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir books Child's Dark Soul and The Journey And The Memoirs on sale at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on Facebook.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congratulations Re-Elected President Obama! Hurricane Sandy Author: Present Day 7 BLACK FRIDAY sale on Amazon.

Hold your head up high and keeping the faith
Move on isn't worth complaining, otherwise
you won't see the path forwarding your way
Don't bother about being in despair, isn't worth
the pain that can change in being positive,
its worth the gain 

Please support Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir in purchasing her books "Child's Dark Soul" and/or "The Journey And The Memoirs." on Amazon and also like them on her facebook page. Francee Bouvenir.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Counting Down Day 6 Sale On Amazon, Election Day And Don't Forget To VOTE!

Please support Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir in purchasing her books "Child's Dark Soul" and/or "The Journey And The Memoirs." on Amazon and also like them on her facebook page. Francee Bouvenir.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Presents Count Down Day 5 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Victim: Presents Count Down Day 4 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Please Help Hurricane Sandy Victim Author, Count Down Day 3 BLACK FRIDAY! Poetry Books on Sale at Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Count Down Day 2 BLACK FRIDAY, Amazon Sale

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Journey And The Memoirs AND Child's Dark Soul on Facebook

Please go to and like my Facebook page The Journey And The Memoirs and Child Dark Soul by Francee Bouvenir  Don't forget to about "BLACK FRIDAY" on Amazon to purchase my books. The Journey And  Mermoirs also penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias" purchased on Amazon too.