Monday, February 8, 2016

Congratulations! Denver Broncos

Hey! Hey! Hey! The Denver Broncos score the gold at 50 Superbowl. You did it Broncos! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Francee Bouvenir on the Road participate in "Vagina Monologues"

The "Vagina Monologues" canceled Yesterday due to a winter storm in New England. BUT ITS ON TONIGHT! This event will take place at the Charter Oak Cultural Center locate in Hartford, CT. So whether you local or not come hear the voices of powerful women in honor of women globally.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Benefit of MLKDAY!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was "THE" honorable recognition in forcing civil rights for every human being. I'm grateful that his birthday is recognize as a national holiday in the U.S. I'm grateful that I have the right to make my choices  and choices are not made for me.

Thank-You, Dr. Martin Luther King in honoring the rights for us!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Attention Poetry Lovers: Hurricane Author /Poet Francee Bouvenir Present, BLACK FRIDAY Count Down Day 10 Poetry Books, Sale On Amazon

Having a dream
Recognizes the outcome
Accomplishing a dream
Defines success!

Francee Bouvenir poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul," "The Journey And The Memors" and penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias." are on sale at Amazon.

Count Down Day 10 BLACK FRIDAY Sale!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Presents Counting Down Day 9 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Poet/Author Francee Bouvenir presents "Child's Dark Soul," "The Journey And The Memoirs," and penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias" poetry books on sale at Amazon. Click the link for purchase and don't forget to like the books on Facebook and including my author page. I appreciate your support.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Count Down Day 8 BLACK FRIDAY Amazon Sale!

We still have a long road ahead of us
But we should never give up, we have
to keep moving to succeed an effort.

Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir books Child's Dark Soul and The Journey And The Memoirs on sale at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on Facebook.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congratulations Re-Elected President Obama! Hurricane Sandy Author: Present Day 7 BLACK FRIDAY sale on Amazon.

Hold your head up high and keeping the faith
Move on isn't worth complaining, otherwise
you won't see the path forwarding your way
Don't bother about being in despair, isn't worth
the pain that can change in being positive,
its worth the gain 

Please support Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir in purchasing her books "Child's Dark Soul" and/or "The Journey And The Memoirs." on Amazon and also like them on her facebook page. Francee Bouvenir.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Counting Down Day 6 Sale On Amazon, Election Day And Don't Forget To VOTE!

Please support Author/Poet Francee Bouvenir in purchasing her books "Child's Dark Soul" and/or "The Journey And The Memoirs." on Amazon and also like them on her facebook page. Francee Bouvenir.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Author: Presents Count Down Day 5 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Victim: Presents Count Down Day 4 BLACK FRIDAY on Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Please Help Hurricane Sandy Victim Author, Count Down Day 3 BLACK FRIDAY! Poetry Books on Sale at Amazon

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Count Down Day 2 BLACK FRIDAY, Amazon Sale

Get Francee Bouvenir's "The Journey And The Memoirs" and/or "Child's Dark Soul" at Amazon. And don't forget to like them on facebook!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Journey And The Memoirs AND Child's Dark Soul on Facebook

Please go to and like my Facebook page The Journey And The Memoirs and Child Dark Soul by Francee Bouvenir  Don't forget to about "BLACK FRIDAY" on Amazon to purchase my books. The Journey And  Mermoirs also penned in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias" purchased on Amazon too.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Please help support me

Please help support me promoting buy my poetry books. Donate at Either clicking on the author section of my website to purchase at

Remembered keep your up! Be confident! It keeps you going.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Francee` Bouvenir's Proseternalife fundraising

My goal is to raise $10,000 dollars or more to promote and marketing my poetry books, I self-published. Go to my website and click on the author section.

If want to donate go to

I appreciate your support

Francee` Bouvenir

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Poet, Francee` Bouvenir Gets Congratulations By World Poetry Movement

My poem "Seed Of  The Soul" is published "Stars In Our Hearts, Perception" by World Poetry Movement. WPM awarded Francee` Bouvenir showcase poetic talents to cherish forever.

"Stars In Our Hearts, Perception" is available for purchase at

Also, please purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Colorado Massacre Victims Never Be Forgotten!!

Well no one but the soon to be convicted and "better will" James Holmes had made history with his meaningless mentality. As far as I concern what difference does it make what will become of James Holmes. But sad to say the "Media" is making money from this horrible occasion and Warner Bros too. Imagine the rating are going up faster of "The Dark Knight Rises'' than the 12 victims sympathy and their families comfort.

GOD Bless The Aurora Colorado Victims And Keep Them and Thier Families In Your Prayers!

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Cooling Relief In New England

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. "Some of you probably saying I have a lot of nerve with this horrifying HEAT WAVE" But anyway here in New England where I live we finally got some relief. The cooling-off from the rain had done me some good despite with no air conditioning. How can anyone look forward to Mondays? Although it's business as usually. Please purchase any of my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Strengthen Your Will! You're In Control!

Those who are down for any reason don't let it get you down. Because you will allow it to get out of control and become down and out. Don't let it happen. The start of your day! Make it your best one.

Please purchase either my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Motivation Is The Key!

Hello everyone! Beating the heat? I'm going to sewing class making several projects such as blouses and finishing my quilting. Hey! Don't let the heat wave get you down! Do the obvious and inspire yourself by cool-off! Please don't forget to purchase either my poetry books "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keep Moving Never Give Up!

Have their been some days you just want to give up! Well you shouldn't others will expect it and especially your enemies. Protect yourself by watching your back. Keep moving on even when you do achieve your accomplishments. So please put me to work, purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Starting With A New Week!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I couldn't  wait until Monday. Got up like I was getting ready to go to work. But didn't because I didn't need to go. Still I make it an effort in making it a habit. Please put me to work, purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Let's Get On It!

Hey did everyone get a good night rest! More than several weeks in New England (Connecticut) where I live. It has been HOT AS HELL! I doing the best I can, cooling off with my little fan and hope I can afford to buy a better one soon. I'm starting my day looking for work. Pray that I can be employed soon to get back into providing and surviving.

Please purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Make Everyday Your Day!

Whether you day and out, unemployed, underemployed, never been employed; Make everyday your work day. Pray that a blessing will come your way! There's other ways in honorable earning instead of a pay check.

Please purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We Are In Control Of Us On Independence Day!

Everyday we don't know what become of us. We are what become of us. Life isn't easy. Life is difficult. Life is a challenge. Everyday we play a role of who we are? Our identity defines us.

Please purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or in Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Challenges We Go Through

Woke up this morning after saying my prayers and wondering what dilemmas I'll be facing and how willl I conquer them when becoming encounter to it. Hey! no worries when the superior above all human beings is watching those with faith.

Please purchase my poetry books: "Child's Dark Soul", "The Journey And The Memoirs" or for those who speaks Espanol/Spanish "El Viaje Y Las Memorias". Go to my website: and click on authors books and choose by clicking your choice.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Poems, Poetry and Prose; April is the month in the way to go!!

Make sure you have tight, connecting metaphors so the words can flow to blow the minds of the audience souls.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Closing In On Women History Month!

Since March 2012 came and gone, as the month of April Spring on the showers bringing in the May flowers!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Women Closing In On Victory!!

The struggling of civil rights still on the rise as leaving Black History Month going into Women History Month (March). Here I present a poem about women who are still struggling from inferior to strength.


A pamper woman will become
a vulnerable woman, torn to
become a scorn woman
transformed to become a strong woman.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Missing Classy Whitney

Whitney, you shared your gift given by GOD.

Hearing your voice vibrated our bodies

Inspiring harmonies

Tender Melodies

Naturally, loving

Eternity with everlasting

Your spirit always within us even to the stars

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cupid Tells Of A Scroned Woman "Ginger Beau" Francee` Bouvenir

Ginger Beau

An ex-virgin transformed newly born, organism.
Strolling, almost at the end of dawn; where her
house is near. The air lifted her hair light as a

Shivery, she went inside and looked into the mirror
removed the brownish-red lipstick as she tasted
it. Washed with sea salt water the pale foundation
off her face.

Took off her wardrobe step into the warm milky
bath. She sat, imagined feeling it going into her
skin, into the bones and up to the cornea around
the eyeballs. Meditated out the window at the
white clouds until sundown.

Got out, wrapped her caramel skin, tempted as
eating with vanilla ice cream.

Gracefully walked slowly, sat at the table for two.
Poured her some hot orange-honey spice tea.
She relaxed after drinking it.

Stumbled into her bedroom, unwrapped herself
and slipped into the night grown. She slide into bed
until falling asleep.

Pitch black dark came, he walked in and stared at her.
As with his guilty conscious and a suitable frown.

He turned around went to the couch and laid his
ass down.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Poem Of The Day: Gwendolyn Brooks " We Real Cool"

We Real Cool

The Pool Players.
Seven at the Golden Shovel

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.

Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks was was an American poet. She was appointed Poet Laureate of Illinois in 1968 and Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1985. She was also the first African-American to received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Langston Hughes poem "I Dream A World"

I dream a world where man
No other man will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its paths adorn
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom's way,
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every man is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind-
Of such I dream, my world!

James Mercer "Langston Hughes" was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist. He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-new literary art form jazz poetry and is best known for his work during the Harlem Renaissance.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Day of Messiah!

48-years ago, Martin Luther King, a preacher who speeches made a difference and changed humanity. A great humanitarian who was the result in making civil rights the law which was adopted in 1964. It granted the rights of race, sex, national orgin, religion, color etc in the United States. He was honor the nobel peace prize in December of 1964 in Olso, Norway. A man of God, praised til' his death.

Dedicated Resolutioners

Gearing-Up The New Year

Black Friday’s shoppers are still on the road.
Starting out the New Year’s shopping for the
best. Gotta’ keep up with the latest styles.
Even later with winter sales are seventy-five
percent; Yours will be looking good while
others are worn down. Gotta’ get that brand
new styles to decorate all year around. Impress
your neighbors that you got the best. Prepare for
relatives at those holiday gatherings. Be smart
and get those summer sales at the first of the
year. Get those winter sales on those hot days.
Get ahead of the cold and prepare to stay warm.

If your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight;
Jog in sweating off those extra pounds. Make
sure your body is a perfect fit those bathing suits.
Not to worry about feeling ashamed in playing
those sport games. Show your kindness to those
who are very less fortune. Donate and give
financially, even if less than a dollar. Put your
sadness behind your happiness. Don’t damn your
enemies. They’re not worth it. Put a smirk on
your face. Pretending you forget, but forgive
and never trusted them again. Years don’t change,
you change. Learn the worst is for the best.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year's Resolution To Consider!!

New Year's Blues

Faith of Promise
“Dedication is the soul’s best friend”

Bringing in the New Year’s with joy juice in a cup

Getting down liked James Brown and attitudes are “suck!”

Getting pass our worst’s fears

Cherishing them with happy tears

Leaving behind a senseless past

A worthless story shouldn’t be cast

The present is where we are

The future will shine like a star

Inevitable to make it by far

Predict what will become of us

Following a new path without a fuss

The best way it can be trust

Never use a scapegoat for the blame

Every year will become the same

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Consider This Next Year!!

Blessing Countdown

Every-year near 300 days rich, wealthy and
poor gets in on the cash flow. Commercializing
on Jesus’ birthday never realizing, shaming
means of Messiah. Still less Christians are
convincing the importance's of presence
above presents. They pray for prosperity
instead is being prey upon slaving into
Capitalism, controlling and weaken their will.
Forcing them to provide and survive and
maintaining the bosses’ profit.

Let’s wake-up and go dollar days on these stores
Get an early start by making your New Year’s
Resolution. Be creative and make gifts for your
love ones or those you care about. Also give
away items you have no interest. Give them to
someone who will share in making it a
memento and meaning to pass on. The most
important than giving and receiving is means of

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Christmas Poem For Everyone!!

Merry-Up Chris

Holy Hearts
“Within Our Meanings”

Raise up from being poor, as limit to know
Christmas has been on the down-low
Smelling the nutmeg in the Sweet Potato pie
fresh aroma will never die
couldn’t wait to eat, to survive
Those living in-between
it’s like watching a scene
So many lighted houses with decoration down
to the snowy green grass as the liquor-up whip
cream on the pumpkin pie made to last
In high society doesn’t matter how much they spend
never saw this on my end
Sitting around the table with skin so neat
while they eat expensive meat
In this world believers or not, from better to worst
St. Nick’s day will never be curse

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Francee` New Poetry Book: Child's Dark Soul on sale now

Get your poetry book now and prepare for poetry month April 2012.

"Child's Dark Soul" by Francee` Bouvenir

Click on link below for purchase.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Francee`s Poetry Books on Sale!!

The Journey And The Memoirs and El Viaje Y Las Memorias (Spanish Book) can be purchase at my estore. Click on link below and use discount code too.

Discount code: F4BMB6XV

Monday, November 14, 2011


Here a poem I like to share for a special day about friends and family.

What to appreciate the Thanks of giving.
How we come from we? It’s called family.
We are bless by GOD our creator with
health, strength and wisdom. How bless
are we by thy mother and thy father. They
pass on us the gifts of morals, values and

From generations to generations, we
descendents should honored the souls
of our ancestors. Young ones should
remembered the griot from their where
-a-bouts never denied the meaning of
your identity. We need to face reality
and deal with humanity.

Share your dignity, never let those try to
sabotage your integrity. Don’t hate,
forgive, it will strengthen your will. If an
opportunity comes your way, takes it;
that’s a blessing of faith. Hey! never
be ashamed to confess your sins with
older kin’s.

Get advice from those who been around
the block. Learned about what you’ve
inherited from being mock. Be grateful
and thankful for the lives they’re the
constitution of you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Truth Myths About Halloween

Here is a poem I like to share about fun, sad and terrible tales

Shadow Creatures

Bold, glowing, orange brings out the light behind the
dark from the black. Halloween is on the commercial
with legendary knowns and unknowns in making
green. Cashing in on those wannabe grown-up witches,
underneath they would be bitches. Hookers should take
a break; to make it a national holiday. Those permissive
freaks will want free treats.

Gladly, the police are out for the children sake.
Hopefully they aren’t preyed upon getting trick or treat
by low-life beasts. It doesn’t stop the muggers, thieves,
murders in doing their thing. Watch-out for the hazing
from the so-called Ghosts, Gobblers, Vampires and
Frankensteins. Their tricks become no longer a game.
What a damn shame? Sadden dopefiends strolling
down memory lane, to find themselves some crack

Understand the meanings of gothic, learn the tales of the
myths, shouldn’t judge them. A full moon gives the truth
sign “BEWARE.” Friends become your enemies;
enemies become your encounters. Watch out for the devil,
they want to control your will. For your sake, never allow
anyone or thing to still your faith. Be strong, claim your
place, considered to “watch your back from those who
say they got your back.”Listen to the wise, they learned
to rise. Clarify it’s one God, not twelve. Follow your first
mind, mostly it’s the right time. Trusts you’re inside guts,
they have the power for right or wrong. Tear away from
hell of hallucination; position back where you start.
Remove your mask, face reality, take responsibility, deal
with your actions, eventually you will pay.

Purchase for Francee Bouvenir's book click on the link.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The meaning of Labor Day!!

This is the month when every students are either went back to school or just started it. Summer is almost ended as we look forward in another year about to end. From fall to winter, everyone should remember to have a safe Labor Day weekend. DON"T FORGET!! to purchase my books on my website below and make sure to use the discount code.

Francee` Bouvenir

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Independence day shouldn't be?

July is the month that United States of America declared their freedom from England (United Kingdom). No one shouldn't allow to live under others dictorship but their own. As far as Happy Independence Day. What's happy about that especially when those put their lives in harms way to defeat a meaningless purpose.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Honoring Father's Day

Hey you Guys and Gals!!

Are you ready to honor your father? Whose planning to dance with their father?

As far as Luther Vandross, God rest his soul. His video dance with my father again, open up the heart of children who love and honor their father, no matter who?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Francee's Interview with Dr. Ande

Listen to Poet Francee Bouvenir with Dr. Ande IVA Writes Now. Interview below.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Keep your head up!!

United States isn't the only country that are going through permissible times. Still we have to keep living and shouldn't allow negativity or temptation control our means. We shouldn't escape our problems, we should deal and challenge them.

Words of meaning by Francee Bouvenir from her poem "Escape"

Go Straight

“The path you follow is how you will live.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Praising A Special Day!!

Took time off to spend time on my birthday. I wanted time for me. Me time is the best time for everyone.

Happy Birthday to Me!!
May 3

Friday, April 29, 2011

Congratulations!! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

I know Prince William's mother Princess Di will be proud of her son. A special day that will never be forgotten. Beyond the clouds she had seen the happiness in both of her sons. I know she will be proud to have Catherine Middleton as her daugter-in-law.

Congratulations William and Catherine!!

The Kiss everyone has been waiting

Prince William and Prince Harry arriving at the church

The pandemonium of the crowd

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bless This Week, Bless Good Friday and Bless Easter Sunday

A Sincerely Blessing!!

Keep striving!! Never let anyone or anything get you down, fight the temperation, defeat the obstacles and never let it conquer your positively.

Purchase "The Journey And The Memoirs"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Congratulations!! To UCONN Huskies

UCONN huskies men won the NCAA national championship 2011. A third great victory for the state of Connecticut. A word of wisdom for the hard-working young men of the future.

"Keep achieving your endeavors, make yourself proud and everyone who cherishing your talents will be proud too!!"

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April, the month of inspiration

Sorry for the late start in blogging for April. But here is a quote from my poem "Woman"


“I always hold my head up high and never go without a day like I’m about to die.”

Francee Bouvenir will also feature on Hollis Chapman show: blog talk radio. Airs April 15, 2011 10:00 a.m. mountain standard time. She will be talking about the details and how she launched her poetry book, "The Journey And The Memoirs."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The last day of Women Month's, But The revolution is not over

Today is the 31 of March, the last day to celebrate the history of women. Let's still honor those who fought for women rights amd the meaningless of inferiority.

Go to link and purchase poetry book by Francee Bouvenir.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March is Women Month!!

Women In Power

You men watch out and get out of our way!! No more acting suitable we are not giving you men our power anymore. As most of you thought! Lets face it did you get the messages when women rise up out of their shell in burning bras. Being inferior and sex objects days are long-ago over. One thing you men will not control is our minds.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The quote of Madame C. J. Walker!!

"Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them." Said the Madame C. J. Walker. Opportunities will slip by if we don't allow them to be inevitable. Let us use our talents to make our endeavors successful!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

V-Day: Violence against women and young girls

February a great month to honor "Black History" and is to support the GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS. In the Democratic Republic of Congo the prevalence and intensity incident of rapes and sexual violence has been describe the worst in the world. For more information the women and girls of Congo, go to

During World War II the Japanese Government was powerless toward their military to intervene in stopping the invasion of homes and kidnapped young girls to use them as sex-slaves.

It's the 21st century and still most women don't believe in equality but still believe men are their livelihood. Everyone should stop treating victims of a rape and sexual assault crimes with pity or shame and clandestine treat like it their fault.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Long Lives My Girl Nina Simone

Nina Simone who real name was Eunice Kathleen Waymon was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger and civil rights activist. She widely spreads with jazz music and her being an inspirational classical pianist influences classical, jazz, blues, soul, folk, R&B, gospel (influences from her upbringing as a child with a preacher father) and pop cultures.

Nina’s music has truly influences the movement of civil rights and helped broke the barriers in discrimination. She was the truth through her music the African-American music.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

They who made History

Okay the month of January has end. Did anyone made their New Year's Resolution yet ? February is Black History Month, Global Movement for violence against women and young girls, other events etc. Famous people should be always be honor in making a difference in every race and culture world-wide.

Frederick Douglas was an American social reformer, orator writer and statesman who became a leader of the abolitionist movement.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was an African American physician and the first who made history by performing the first successful open heart surgery operation.

Madam C. J. Walkerr was an African American business woman and hair care entrepreneur and philanthropist. She was the founded Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company where she made a fortune by developing and marketing a hugely successful line of beauty and hair products for black women.

Elizabeth “Bessie” Coleman was an American civil aviator. She was the first female of the African-American descent and person to hold an international pilot license.

They and many more no matter what race, color, culture, gender etc. made a difference and never be push or put aside because of their differentiate characters.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Making the New Year's Resolution Stick!!

Hello everyone!!

We all have made it through another year. Have anyone made their New Year's Resolution yet? How is it going so far for you? I never make any New Year's Resolution. I find it UNnecessary. But grateful that I made it through another year. Best wishes and good-luck to those who wants to lose those few pounds, those continuing on their special diet, those who are yearning for a job, those who are yearning for success or yearning just to achieve their endeavors.

GOD Bless 2011!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Following your instincts

When we get up in the morning, the routines are the same. We never expect the better or worse!. Meet

Francee Bouvenir click on link below. See how she deals with the obstacles in her daily life

Interest in purchasing Francee`s "The Journey And The Memoirs/El Viaje Y Las Memoirs. Click on the information below for details.

I hope you are inspire in life like Francee` and hope you make your purchase today!

Monday, September 27, 2010

How we live

Choice, make your own choices and never allow anyone make it for you. Make sure its the wise choice.

My poetry book "The Journey And The Memoirs" is avaliable online at

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Freedom is the best choice for everyone. Never let others control your mind, body, or spirt. Take control of you. You control your life.

Purchase the "The Journey And The Memoirs" by Francee` Bouvenir at Click on link below.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Conseqences are unexpect and inevitable. Everyone should learn from their mistakes and achieve the purpose of encounting their experience in life We deal with them, we learn from them and live with them.

Please purchase "The Journey And The Memoirs" by Francee` Bouvenir available at

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Francee's words of prose: Francee's words of prose: Give a helping hand

Francee's words of prose: Francee's words of prose: Give a helping hand: "Francee's words of prose: Give a helping hand: 'Have you purchase your 'The Journey And The Memoirs,' yet? Francee` Bouvenir a self-publish ..."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Francee's words of prose: Give a helping hand

Francee's words of prose: Give a helping hand: "Have you purchase your 'The Journey And The Memoirs,' yet? Francee` Bouvenir a self-publish author will be doing book signing at Barnes and ..."

Give a helping hand

Have you purchase your "The Journey And The Memoirs," yet? Francee` Bouvenir a self-publish author will be doing book signing at Barnes and Nobles in different cities in the U.S. Stay turn for update events. 20% of proceeds will go towards Haiti and Chile. And also I plan to donate books to Hurricane Katrina's for rebuilding of their libraries. Please order today, click on website for more information Francee Bouvenir. Thanks for your support.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The purpose of life

Life is a challenge. Its not what we expected and how we expected. You have to accept what's inevitable.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Why Hate On Us?

We should treat others the way we like to be treated. No matter if we are rich and/or well-off; it doesn't give us the right to act better than those who are less fortune. And treat them like we scrape-off the dirt from the bottom of our shoes. Who would want to be in those shoes? Material things don't make who you are, It's what inside of you. Please purchase "The Journey And The Memoirs" by Francee` Bouvenir click on link below.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Challenging our individuality

We communicate with our inner-self, to connect with our souls. This is the way to acknowledge our identity. We have a different identity from our parents and make choices when it comes to repeating the cycle in our lives. Please purchase "The Journey And The Memoirs." at

Monday, July 12, 2010

The purpose of you?

You're the one who knows you. You're the one who believes in you. You're the one who will find the purpose in you. You're not put on this earth for others to like you. You don't need to prove to others about you. You don't need to convince others about you. You should know, no matter who "they aren't better than you." You should tell those "don't worry about what's concern me," you worry about you. "The Journey And The Memoirs," is available for purchase at

The start of the Day 07/10/2010

Everyday we don't know what become of us. We are what become of us. Life isn't easy. Life is difficult. Life is a challenge. Everyday we play a role of who we are? Our identity defines us. We play who we are at home. We play who we are at home. We play who we are with friends and family. Do you know who you are? "The Journey And The Memoirs," is available for purchase at